Logistics and Equipment

Our Services

We are a full production service company. From script writing to production planning, travel and transport, accommodation, crewing, casting, catering, equipment rentals, location scouting, permits, studio rentals, SFX/Consultants, post-production, sound stages, color grading and motion-graphics 2D/3D.

Our clients can rely on our ability to find creative solutions, budget flexibility, and our speed and efficiency on deadlines. Give us a call now.


Contact us


As a full service production company our expertise and resources are aimed at helping any company or advertising agency throughout every stage of a production.


We work with the best agencies in Portugal and quickly we can look up for the most suited talent to a given briefing. Whether it's for a large advertisement production, casting for a feature film or a small project, we have you covered!

Location Scouting

Portugal, a small country with great potential in locations for your next project. Get in touch with us and we will help you find that place that will make the difference in your film.

Equipment Rental

We are no strangers to the most recent equipment for the most demanding production. Tell us your needs and we will give you the most flexible and competitive prices in the market.


Did you know that we can get up to 30% cash rebate of your total film budget? The funding is made upfront, contributing for all the fases of the production, so what are you waiting for?


Relying on a vast network of dedicated professionals with years of experience we can get your production to go as smooth as possible. Flexible rates as usual.


We have a specialized team of video and sound editors that will bring to life any project wether it was produced by us or by any other company.


From fashion to product photography you can count on our network to get you the right professional to capture the best possible image.

Color Grading

Give the right mood and feel to your film. Talented professionals with state of the art equipment.
© Filmesdamente 2025